Freedom Hill Horse Rescue
Mickey Blue
Ain’t Nobody Got One
Baskets by the Bay
Bee Good Farms
Cassie Ackerson Photographer
Chantilly Moose
Chaulk Couture
Creations by Ace
Flyer Monkey
Gray Wolf Spirits
Harrington Toy Soldiers
Joe Crandell’s Horseshoe Art
Karebear Crafts
Laniece’s Fleeces
Life Fun Scripted
Lilla Rose
Brother's Johnson Inc.
Liquid Intrusion
Louise Gordon Books
Momma Bear Bakery
Ms. Annette’s
Mully’s Brewery
Olney Winery
Pampered Chef
PFS Investments Inc.
Purple Door Creations
Rosie Cheeks Distillery
Spicy Gray
Tipsy Teacher
Tranquil Art Studio
Vaughn Cheese
Western Shores Woodworking
Mark your calendars for next year's
Spirits & Steeds on Saturday, October 12th
from 1 - 6 pm!
Wemyss Liquors
Ashley & Oriana Williams
On behalf of our horses, thank you to everyone who attended Spirits & Steeds 2023. Your ticket purchase directly benefitted our rescue horses. Below you will find a list of the awesome vendors who made our Vendor Market so special. We'd like to give the vendors, tasting vendors, food trucks, and the band, NightLife, a huge thank you for creating such a fantastic festival atmosphere despite the weather conditions.
We'd also like to thank our amazing volunteers! FHHR is a 100% volunteer organization. Every year, volunteers plan, organize, and run Spirits & Steeds. We couldn't do this festival without their dedication and hard work. Thank you all so much for everything that you do for the FHHR horses!
Freedom Hill Horse Rescue is a 501(c)(3) non-profit.